
Hello again

I'm starting to slow everything down again, because that's really the way I need it. I'm not going to be getting all the sleep I want tonight but oh well, I need to write an oh-so-important blog lol.

As far as my relationship is going, I give it two thumbs up. I had a great talk with my girl tonight about working together on fixing the 'kinks' in our relationship and she actually started taking in what I was saying lol. She's stubborn as fuck, I forgot to point that out as one of her flaws haha. I know I have my flaws too, so, we're doing this together. =)

As far as work goes, I hope I don't get transferred. I doubt I will, but I still get a weird feeling every time I walk in my store. Brian hasn't been saying shit to me lately, which is mad strange, but I hope he just wants to avoid all the drama that I've been put in recently.

As far as school goes, I need to apply for them damn scholarships! My grades are looking pretty good, the only thing I haven't gotten an A on really were the two quizzes in politics I forgot I had. Four of the ten quizzes we take get dropped anyways though, so I still have a little room to work with lol.

So, all in all, things are moving incredibly fast, but it's going well. My blur of a life is going to slow down and hopefully that will start showing more detail PLUS continue to look good.

I'm tired, not high ahaha.

Logic Speaks

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