

First day back in awesome boyfriend mode. lol. It was pretty cool the majority of the time, possibly affected because I had my brothers with me. The end she kind of drifted off and got distant again, but I'm going to do like my buddy advised me and just let it go. So after that I hit her up to tell her it was cool or whatever but talk to me if she needs to. Today was almost a success...

Then I told her that Cordell didn't trust her, and she got mad because I was putting him all in our business.

Dell is my closest friend and I respect his opinion tremendously. I HAVE to go to him, otherwise I will build up anger because I have noone to vent to. I don't tell him everything, I just tell him basic info about what I'm concerned about. I never follow his advice directly, but he does have an impact on how I see things. That's with anyone going to a friend though, at the very least. She can tell any one of her friends anything and I respect that because she's not telling her friend to tell her MY business, but rather OUR business. How could anyone go to a friend and ask them for advice if they only know half the story?

I hope if it comes up I can articulate this even half as well lol.

Other than that, I'm really glad I talked to my buddy because now I feel more calm, level-headed and understanding about my girlfriend. I have a whole lot of work to do if I want this to be a successful relationship, and now I finally feel ready to do it.

End transmission.

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