
I don't belong here.

I don't think anyone around me, in my age group at the VERY least, spends nearly as much time in philosophical thought as me. I utilize so much energy deciphering all the nuances around me that go unnoticed, and building them into a larger picture. I have an amazing power that' I'm willing to speak about now. Sometimes, admittedly more when high than when sober, I can separate my mind from my body. Sounds like bullshit I know. You don't have to believe me, but I can step outside and view the world around me from someone elses' perspective. I see me as the guy who doesn't fit in with my friends, I see some of my friends as fakers, and some of them as liars. Maybe I'm just a little insane...

Make my bro an exception. I think he's just like me because we're completely opposite for the most part. There is a very good possibility that he's realized the meaninglessness of the "reality" around him to the point that he rapes it as he feels and goes against the normal rules of the world. However, he slipped up somewhere and while the rules need not apply to him, they must apply to others around him FOR him. Don't lose me yet.

This all being said, I wish I could take a weeks vacation with no phone or contact with the outside world. And yet, I want the world to be on pause while I go away, so that everything's the same when I come back. Trippy shit is it really doesn't matter what happens when I'm gone because upon my arrival the world will still be the same. My whole family and group of friends could die, Obama could get assassinated, China could go to war with the United States and the sun will STILL fucking rise in the morning and set in the evening. I digress...

On the first day I would simply lay in the sun and relax my mind and body and adjust to my home for the week.

On the second day, because I'm on an island in the middle of somewhere, I would go swimming all day and see how deep I could dive, and how long I could hold my breath. I have a feeling it would be longer than usual, because there's no rush to be doing anything else...

On the third day I would explore the island, find how much different parts of it can be, geographically speaking. Then I would hike to the top of the active volcano on the island, and spark one...

On the fourth day I would track the sun, moon and the stars. I would discard all conventional astrology and find and subsequently name stars and constellations of my own. Probably after songs and albums, respectively.

On the fifth day I would swim with the fish and the dolphins. I would race a sea turtle. Then around midday I would watch birds. That's it, lol.

On the sixth day I would ride a lion. And play fetch with a cheetah. Then I would think about the women in my life, and how I gave them a part of me in vain...

On the seventh day I would light one and spend the rest of the day with my eyes closed, but awake, in an attempt to separate dreams from reality.

I have to do this whole life thing for now though. One day...

Dancing In The Rain

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