
Out of this world, out of my mind.

Yesterday was the first time that I can honestly say I came to the realization that stupid girl is a stupid girl and not worth my time. I been KNOWN, but there's a difference between knowing something and then applying it to your reality.

So some nigga she met was with us or whatever and I basically avoided them all day until the very end and by that point even when they were all hugged up and cuddling and shit I honestly felt no particular way about it. If anything it amazes me how I got taken for granted on such a large scale, how much she really just doesn't care about how I feel about her and basically doesn't give a fuck about me at all.

So I just kind of realized that if she's happy and comfortable over in this niggas arms instead of mine, there's not a god damn thing I can do about it. I've done all I can and if I'm lucky the best that will come out of this is a few years from now she'll be in a terrible position and find herself regretful that she did me like this.

"You love me baby...
Unlove me baby
Let me be
Set me free
You near me baby?
Not nearly baby
You're saying I'm your friend
Then why're we at the end?
But I should be ashamed 'cause I
Let you treat me this way and I've
Known all this time
I should have been using
The right side of my brain"

With no regrets.

Might be a new chapter coming up soon, but I'll let you know when the wheels start rolling.

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